You can get many textures and looks by using glazes or waxes, they give the sculpture a natural and pleasing look and feel

petite courge accorn graine de l'awélé cacahuète fenouil fève de cacao euphorbe
waxed red earthenware streaked grey earthenware glazed earthenware waxed earthenware waxed earthenware glazed and tinted earthenware
nigelle luzerne lychnis fève grain de blé lychnis
porcelain soaked in tea earthenware covered in silk paper earthenware tinted with broux de noix glazed and waxed earthenware glazed and waxed earthenware tinted earthenware
esparcette clou de girofle pois chiche lentille pavot oignon
waxed earthenware tinted earthenware sandstone with a potato flour patina glazed and waxed earthenware tinted earthenware painted porcelain covered in paper

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Sculptures : Water - Air - Weird - Pods